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Dmian last won the day on July 16 2022

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  1. Yes sur if you have a doctor. After I called the hospital (far from my place and no car) they told me to come. A friend of mine gently offer me to drive me there a day or two after this post. After an eye checking a young doctor/student told me that it's a vitreous detachment. I asked about boxe and he told me that I have to wait sometimes and after the vitreous will be totally detached I can practice normally but it's not clear when it will happen. He told me to go back to the hospital after two weeks if I still have this little black dot in my eye and this kind of "lighting bolt" when I move quick my eyes from left to right during night. I didn't yet but soon. He also told me to don't do too much sport (that was very vague) drink a lot of water and don't take hit on the face because in the process of the detachment it can still tear the retina. I hope it will be fixed soon.
  2. Hello. English is not my mother tongue. I might very soon have an eye surgery for retinal detachment (if my symptoms are right.) I would like to know if anyone of you went through this and can give feedback about the change in your boxing routine (sparring and fight) and the potential risk you are aware of. Thank you
  3. Hello everyone. So as the title said does anyone knows muay femur coaches/gym oriented in Chiang Mai? From Sylvie's post on training places she recommended it seems that Kru Manop do a great work. Is there anyone else you can recommend ? Thank you
  4. Tough reading for my level of English! Agambed have an high degree of thinking that is difficult to me to catch the most of it. Still it's something that I find interesting to try to understand how the economical environment have a strong impact on our ways to perceive our world/reality. As an "westerner" the lack of what is common in the aspects of meaning (shared meanings with a large community) seems strong and our way of living feel and think seems to be really oriented towards materialist matters that didn't seems to fill the gap made by the atomisation) separation of the people in capitalist societies and as I think I understand what you said, a boxing or martial art gym (in a validist point of view) seems to wipe a lot of categories that exist my society. You can be look up as a great fighter/martial artist by some "bourgeois" people that could look you down if you meet them in other kind of situations. For example in my position I'm not a big fan of the police institution as it is today but I can meet some police man and have a frame to share, talk and work with them in an...nice way(even if I keep in mind that we are not on the same side of the barricades).
  5. Hello. I plan to move soon to Thailand to train. I'm a beginner in the muay thaï practice (I've practiced and still practicing others disciplines ). I really like the taste of old school muay thaï and I wonder if there is some better places or coaches to go to. Do you have any clue? Thank you
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