Quote from Sylvie
Reading this I thought, "wait, do I do this when we spar?" I think that's a result of being unfocused and so people default to what they learn in padwork, which is aiming for the mitts. Gloves = mitts. Great note of learning to be mindful of this though, because you'll totally bring that to fights without realizing it.
Great quote which (unfortunately) sums up my training session the other day! I started attending the boxing session that runs before Muay Thai. I spent half the session struggling to hit the focus pads full on. I decided my lack of accuracy was due to becoming sloppy as I take for granted the larger surface of the Thai pad - I don't need to be accurate because if I punch in the general direction of a Thai pads, chances are I will hit it! Directly after, during a technical sparring session my trainer kept pointing out how inaccurate my punches were - punching gloves, air and even someone's chest! It definitely made me reflect on how I train, and how it effects my sparring.
Which I think underlies a lot of sparring issues. Muay Thai exposes weakness - whether it be technical, physical, or even emotional. Some people aren't comfortable with that and don't like to reflect on 'weakness'.