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Posts posted by Nadiyaz

  1. 24 minutes ago, 515 said:

    I would always suggest people to get good insurance (no one like to pay it) because IF something happens you need to pay it all from your own money and costs can be pretty high (especially as a farang 😉 ).
    Even if you get hit by a car (and it's not your own fault), perforated appendix, some serious injury/illness, ...

    Quotes for insurance are really different if staying long term vs 3 month travel. But still something to think about.
    Enough people already needed to start a GoFundMe or other things to collect money to pay their hospital bills.


    Probably, yes.

    i have a standard travel insurance, but i might need to get another one if i plan on fighting...

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Oliver said:

    Ohhhh ok, if you got insurance then forget my last post bro.

    Didn't have it myself because seeing quotes made me go like, "wtf...no, not paying that, would rather pay doctor as and when".

    Probably a good thing you don't have my paranoia. Highly dislike insurance companies.

    What she just said on food - agreed. So far been eating whatever the grandma of the gym cooks for all the boys. No cheat day for 6 weeks now, and would actually happily murder someone for a burger and fries right now. Even dream at night about burgers, pizza and kebabs. Pathetic, right?

    Tomorrow when the afternoon training is over, gonna get a Burger King delivery... 2 burgers, 2 sides of onion rings. You all just convinced me.

    hahahaha, do it man it sounds like you deserve it!

    where do you train?

  3. 4 hours ago, Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu said:

    Overestimate your food budget where you can. I've seen tons of people come to Thailand with the 30Baht/meal expense of living off of chicken rice and they can't handle that for longer than a week. They end up splurging on expensive western food to get a "break" and it kills their budget. Have a budget, but factor in that you'll want a break from the cheap options as well. 

    You're right, it would be nice to get a western meal once in a while so i'm gonna factor that in my budget.

    Thanks for the advice!

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  4. 41 minutes ago, Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu said:

    I don't know about your gym and travel choices, but you should not budget in money you expect to earn fighting. In terms of budgeting I would consider any money you might earn from fighting as bonus.

    True, i revisited my whole plan. I'm thinking about training at santai in chiang mai for 3 months as it is cheaper, and i think it would make it simpler to just train in one place, and i'm gonna try to save up more, would you say 3000 usd (1000 flight, 1000 training+accomodation, 1000 food+laundry+extra) is enough?

  5. Edit: i realise now that my budget was waaaaayyy too small for my itinerary, so i'm gonna try to save up (3000usd instead of 2000usd), and train at santai in chiang mai for 3 months. Is that reasonable?



    I'm planning on going to thailand as soon as the coronavirus clears up to train and hopefully fight a few times (my main goal is to fight and gain experience in the ring, i don't really care about tourism)

    That's my itinerary/budget, any feedback/tips/recommendations would be greatly appreciated:

    Month 1: chiang mai, spirit of siam, 300 usd training, 150 usd accommodation, 100 usd food

    Month 2: koh samui, wech pinyo, 200 usd training, 650 usd accommodation, 200 usd food (wech pinyo's website has been down for some time so i used the prices from punch it gym instead, i'm assuming they'd be pretty similar)

    Month 3: bangkok, no real plan, any help?

    Is my itinerary any good/what does everyone think of the gyms i chose, and is my budget realistic/is there any way i could bring it down?

    My main problem is that i have about 2000 usd right now, and can't really get any money during the pandemic. I'm gonna have to spend around 1000 usd for the flight, leaving me with enough money for about a month and a half, do you guys think i could make enough money fighting to survive another month and a half, or would it be better to shorten my trip by a month?


    Nadi Yazbeck.

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