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    Boulder, Co. USA

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  1. Thanks Sylvie, there are soooo many choices out there, and I only know the bags we use at my gym,, but never paid any attention to the DETAILS.. I saw somewhere that you were from Colorado, wondered how you got from here to THERE? I stumbled on Muay Thai by accident taking my grandson to his session, at an Easton BJJ / May Thai gym in Denver,, thought for sure I couldn't do BJJ at my age,, but the MT looked like something I could get into,, and fell in love with it.. sorry I didn't discover it a LONG time ago.. anyway, I'm trying to get a place at home to work out until they get an answer for the virus... thanks for your videos and blog.. what a great source of info and inspiration for me...r
  2. Hey, thanks for your input, any thoughts about leather or non-leather for home use?
  3. Soooo, in looking for heavy bags there are so many choices,,, 6ft, 4ft, leather, non leather, anchored, or not.. teardrop , then there is the filling,,,, any advice would be helpful,,, thanks
  4. I think the Zoom classes are helpful, but as you said, they are not as good as the real thing. Unfortunately I don't have room to hang a heavy bag,, and no partner to work with so shadow boxing is my only answer, but hopefully this will end soon and we can all get back to proper training,, Stay Well!
  5. My gym in Colorado is closed, they loaned out all their equipment to members to train at home, and are now holding classes via ZOOM,, until things get better,,, old friend used to say "IF YOU DON'T USE YOUR HEAD,, YOU MIGHT AS WELL NOT HAVE ONE"!
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