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Everything posted by Toomanyshots10

  1. Thanks for the help,Sylvie. I have Sagat,attachai,hippy and Saenchai lined up for lessons. Hippy has been very cool and enthusiastic about teaching,so I’m pumped about that.
  2. Thanks for the reply! Actually,I have been in contact with Attachai and Sagat,so it looks like I will get a lesson from both. I was hoping to line up at least 3 more privates with different people,but like I said,getting hold of them isn't easy,which is why I need help on here. I plan on keeping a small journal on each session,so I will keep you updated. As for the Buakaw $8000 thing....I tripled checked the price with his gym, because I was sure there was a language barrier. It was the same answer every time!! So either that's the price or he is being misrepresented. Maybe someone on here could try contacting them so we can compare notes.
  3. haha that's exactly what I said! I asked a few times just to confirm,and the answer was the same. I gave up after that. I even asked why he charged so much,when Saenchai only charges 5000tbh,and I didn't get a reply. Sorry for the double post. I'm new to the forum!!
  4. haha that's exactly what I said! I asked a few times just to confirm,and the answer was the same. I gave up after that.
  5. Hi,I will be in Bangkok early January for 10 days,and decided rather than train at one gym,I will only do privates with some legends. I have been having a really hard time finding contact info for a lot of them. Could you recommend any legends,and possibly pass on their contact info? Please,no Buakaw!! They got back to me and said he charges $8000US for 1 hour
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