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Everything posted by NCK

  1. It's kind of hard to find a good clincher in my gym because the advanced guys we had don't train anymore, and the few remaining I don't come across them much as our training schedules don't match... and we never clinched together anyway. The majority of people at my gym are novices like me. We're always under coach's supervision when we do clinch or sparring, so he can correct us when something is wrong. I have told him before of my unease with clinch, so it seems that we just leave that question aside for the moment. We don't clinch together, never ever, or once in a blue moon for 30 sec. When he wants to show me something, he takes my partner to do a demonstration so I can catch on. Maybe I should ask him if we could focus more on clinch exercises, but isn't it best to leave the class planning to him? After all, he's the one who knows stuff and when we're ready to do things.
  2. I usually clinch with a younger girl, she's smaller than me and lighter in weight but she's good. I think I'm the most comfortable with her, but when I get with someone taller and heavier than me I tend to freeze when things get more serious. As I am in school I only train once a week and we don't do clinch work that much either, so sometimes I can be like 4-6 weeks without clinching at all. Maybe if I did it regularly it would become more natural?
  3. Hi everyone, Happy New Year! One of my resolutions this year is to improve my clinch. When I started muay thai, I believed myself on the safe side, thinking I'd stay away from breaking wood planks and close contact stuff such as in jiu-jitsu. Well o well...
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