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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2020 in Posts

  1. Hello everyone, Its been 30 days now, this coming week will be the start of another 60 days I had to take a week off in the middle of last month after I got really really bad food poisoning (could not eat anything for 7 days without getting ill), but overall the past 6 weeks have been fantastic. I started from 0, and the improvements have been linear every lesson. Sagat is a master of teaching fundamentals. Ive watched as many of his pasts fights as possible, and his effectiveness I've realized comes from how skilled he was in the basics; punching and kicking technique, footwork, movement economy, maintaining ring generalship. His striking technique really stands out to me, he keeps everything incredibly tight and emphasizes power and placement over any kind of flashiness. He's very big on always being "organized" in every movement, never being off balance or out of place in any way. I paid him for another 2 months of training (60 lessons of 1on1s) Update with the gym-13 Coins is basically closed The issue is that there are no active fighters at the gym right now, and only two boys that occasionally come by that used to train there when it was open. Sagat is wanting to reopen the gym as "Street Fighter Gym". He's taken money and put it into trying to renovate the gym a bit. He's asked me to help him, but trying to start a Muay Thai Gym business is not something I want to be invested in and trying to manage. Its an unusual situation. I'd love to keep training with Sagat long term and build technique base, but training solo with him obviously is not going to prepare me to fight in the ring. My plan is to try out some gyms this month, and find a place that resonates and make that the home gym eventually as summer comes to an end.
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