Fighter Mail: Fight Nerves, Tunnel Vision and Does it Go Away?
October 15, 2013Fighter Mail I get a lot of private message communication from (mostly) women and I really enjoy having a back-and-forth with other folks experiencing the innumerate facets of Muay Thai. What’s really wonderful is that the... -
50 Kicks for Khem – the Kaitburin Muay Thai Fundraiser for Khem
October 6, 2013meet Khem and his mother in this video – The Lanna Boys Kicked for Khem Kaitburin Muay Thai – based in Oxfordshire, England – has organized a fundraiser to help with the significant... -
Best Map of Chiang Mai – Restaurants, Wats, Hospitals, Muay Thai
October 5, 2013Where To Find Stuff We’ve been here for almost a year and a half and slowly over time my husband Kevin has been adding locations to a growing Where to Find Stuff in Chiang Mai Google... -
The Discussion – World Muay Thai Angels and the Benefit for Women
October 4, 2013Niamh Griffin (@griffinniamh on Twitter) raises important points about World Muay Thai Angels in her post “Muay Thai Angels – a step forward or backwards” What I find most interesting is how Muay Thai is being... -
Training Through Injury – Kicking on Shins – Learning With Pain
October 3, 2013This is a follow up to a post I wrote about a week ago called Keep Moving – The Importance of Training With Injury, on the topic of what one can learn from the experience of... -
1.5 Million Muay Thai YouTube Views – It Proves You Should Share Yourself
September 27, 2013Last week I noticed that my YouTube Channel had hit over 1.5 million views, which is an astounding number given where I started and what my intentions are. It provides a time to reflect a little... -
Keep Moving – The Importance of Training With Injuries
September 26, 2013The Injury I’ve written before on my attitude regarding injuries, mainly that you’re either hurt and you can keep training/fighting or you’re injured and you have to suck it up and sit out. But even if... -
Help Khem Recover From Paralysis – A Former Champion Needs Your Help
September 25, 2013click to go to PayPal.com – pay to recipient lannamuaythai123@gmail.com Khem Visits Lanna Muay Thai I’ve written before about Khem here. This is an update on how Khem is doing,... -
Quitting Sugar – Accepting Addiction and Kicking It
September 22, 2013I’ve done this before. You’ll hear that from people quitting smoking, too. In fact, my father quit smoking when I was a kid and I remember how difficult it was for him, but that was actually... -
[vid] VLOG – A Lesson Gleaned From a Kid Playing Soccer, Also Good for Muay Thai
September 21, 2013Today on my afternoon run I passed by a soccer field with a bunch of guys playing. They were really good, clearly having spent a lot of time playing soccer. I loved soccer when I...