Currently Reading: Blog-muay-thai

  • I’m a loser, Baby.

    February 24, 2012
    Last night I watched a documentary with my husband that followed three men running across the Sahara Desert.  All the way across.  The ultimate message that I took with me was that the grand picture is...
  • Personal Statement

    October 8, 2011
    The following is the Personal Statement for my proposed research/study project through the Fulbright Grant.  It expresses a lot of what I’ve already expressed, and to some extent what I will forever be trying to express. ...
  • Ebb and Flow

    September 13, 2011
    In the movie “Man on Fire,” Denzel Washington’s character tells his charge, a little girl on a swim team, that “there is no such thing as tough; there is only trained and untrained.”  I love that...
  • The Fountain – Dewey Bozella Boxing and Freedom

    August 4, 2011
    It’s been a while since I’ve seen any of the guys from Newburgh Boxing Club.  I stopped training there back in January, as I could no longer afford the dues there as well as the other...
  • Drawing Something Out of Nothing

    July 31, 2011
    About two years ago I came home from work and my husband told me he wanted to show me something.  He led me outside to the wooded yard across the street and directed me to look...
  • The Gift of Aggression

    July 14, 2011
    I’ve come across it a lot in my time spent in gyms and among fighters, that men struggle with their aggression in the context of combat.  It seems that a lot of the guys who talk...
  • Linda Ooms Aims for Olympic Boxing 2012

    April 25, 2011
    It has become a cliché in writing about fighters to remark on the disparity between a fighter’s in-ring persona and their regular, day-to-day disposition.  In the main these remarks are to the effect that one cannot...
  • You Are Here – the Art of Getting Lost

    April 1, 2011
    Alice: … I was just wondering if you could help me find my way. Cheshire Cat: Well that depends on where you want to get to. Alice: Oh, it really doesn’t matter, as long as… Cheshire...
  • Heart in My Mouth – On Having a Mentor

    March 16, 2011
    I’ve been asked to write a piece on the meaning of having a mentor.  The request came from a fellow who sends me great videos of Tyson training and inspirational clips of the boxing persuasion.  The...
  • The Boys’ Club

    January 15, 2011
    Just after my fight with Tanya Lohr in October, I decided it was a wise idea to start training in boxing as a supplement to my Muay Thai training.  There’s a boxing gym semi-near to my...