Most every All Time Greatest list of Muay Thai fighters we read is made by people who hadn’t even seen most of the greats fight in person, or lived through the eras that produced them. It’s good to hear from someone who was there.
When we drive across Thailand with Karuhat, for a fight usually, he sits shotgun and I act as an interpreter between him and Kevin as we all three chat about the Golden Age, the problems with modern Muay Thai, and what fighters were the best. Recently, we asked Karuhat who his “top 5” fighters of all time were and he answered without much delay at all (this was over messenger, not in person, so it might have been immediate on his end after reading it). Who the greatest think are the greatest is always cool to see.

So, here’s a fun contest: take a guess at who Karuhat’s “top 5” of all time are. Whoever guesses closest wins a Karuhat T-Shirt. If you manage to guess all 5 and in the correct order, you can win a pair of his classic, Vintage Replica pink shorts from his fight against Lamnammoon.
Your Guess at Karuhat’s Top 5 must be entered as a comment on the post on Karuhat’s Facebook Page: (guess here)
These are the rules from the original post:
ทายซิจัดอันดับของ คฤหาสน์ ยอดมวยเก่งที่สุด 1-5 คือใครบ้าง ใครที่ทายถูกให้รังวัลคือเสื้อหรือถูกต้องกางเกงนะ
Who are the greatest fighters of all time? It’s best to hear from a legend, so we asked one of the best himself.
Name the fighters Karuhat lists as the greatest of all time, listing them 1-5 in a comment below. The person who gets the closest to his list will win a Karuhat shirt (see below), and if anyone is awesome enough to get them all right, and in the exact order, they will win a pair of Karuhat replica shorts (see below). One entry per person.
List them like this:
The contest will end February 12th, 2020 at midnight (Thai time).
These are the fighters Karuhat sees as the best who ever fought. He says other than these 5, there are none who compare. They are above all others.
จัดคอมเม้นท์ อันดับ 1-5 นะ ใครทายใกล้ที่สุดจะรับรังวลเสื้อ1ตัวค่ะ ใครทายใครทายสามารถได้ถูกต้องให้กางเกงค่ะ การแข่งหมดวันที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์
This is the shirt you could win:

These are the shorts you could win:

So click over to Karuhat’s Facebook page and leave your guesses (1 entry per person) in the comments to the post. And if you don’t win, you can still purchase a T-Shirt or shorts with 100% of the profits going to Karuhat.