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Found 2 results

  1. Hi Everyone, My name is Andy. I'm a 29 year old nakmuay who has been training for about 5 months. This is my first post! Thank you to everyone especially Sylvie, Kevin, and Emma for the wonderful content and community you support. I've decided to register for my first fight at the USMTO in New York this November 3-5. I'll be fighting in the 18+ Novice (0-3 fights) 119lb male division. I'm from Chicago, and the trainer at my gym isn't going to be able to make it. I'm trying to see if anyone else is going to this event and/or might be willing to corner for me? Alternatively if I don't end up finding a corner, does anyone have tips for fighting without a corner? Thank you so much for your responses! (@Moderators I cross posted this on the "Technique, Training, and Fighting Questions" forum to get the most possible exposure for my question. Let me know if that's not ok and I'm happy to take one of them down. )
  2. Hi Everyone, My name is Andy. I'm a 29 year old nakmuay from Chicago who has been training for about 5 months. This is my first post! Thank you to everyone especially Sylvie, Kevin, and Emma for the wonderful content and community you support. I've decided to register for my first fight at the USMTO in New York this November 3-5. I'll be fighting in the 18+ Novice (0-3 fights) 119lb male division. I'm from Chicago, and the trainer at my gym isn't going to be able to make it. I'm trying to see if anyone else is going to this event and/or might be willing to corner for me? Alternatively if I don't end up finding a corner, does anyone have tips for fighting without a corner? Thank you so much for your responses!
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