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Found 2 results

  1. Hey All! Thanks in advance for any info & assistance! So I've been training for 9 months. At about month 4, I got kicked during sparring in the upper ribs just below my pectoral muscle. It didn't feel broken but was just super tender for a few days. After that it just settled in to a low ache, but then the low ache never went away. It would feel like it was starting to fade, but every time I'd go to practice muay thai I feel like I'd re-up the injury a little bit. It ended up lasting for probably 10-12 weeks until I took 2 or 3 weeks off from training after my first fight. Getting back in to training after the fight it was gone! Hurray! But then I got kicked again about a month ago and its the same story, just a constant low ache that never goes away. Its frustrating because I feel like I'm always holding back a bit during training and I'm always trying to protect that spot during sparring. I've heard and read about all kinds of little injuries from muay thai, but never something like this. Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone have any tips/exercises I might do to help it go away? Thanks a lot!
  2. I had my first interclub fight on Saturday (I'm hopefully going to write more about that at the weekend!), and I got a really hard kick to the ribs. I am still in quite a lot of pain, although I don't think they are broken..... So, I'm assuming this is a pretty standard injury (until you get better at blocking) so I'm after some tips/advice about how to deal with it. I'm keen to get this right as I fly out to Thailand in 2 weeks and really want it to be better by then!
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