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  1. So, I'm in between jobs right now and I had to take this month off from my muay thai gym. I really want to practice at home somehow. I have a reflex bag and a jump rope. I do have one Thai pad (I ordered thinking there were two in the package, nope!) and an everlast kicking shield that I tie to the tree in my front yard. I started doing the trick on Sylvie's youtube channel where you practice your kick against a wall; I thought maybe in my time off I could work on technique. I also use the reflex bag and I kick the shield while it's tied to a tree. I used to go to the park with my muay thai friend to hit the pads but the bystanders would often come up and comment and it got kind of embarrassing for us. So, that's out for now. Any advice? I don't have a regular gym membership. I go back to muay thai in march and until then I'm on my own.
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