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  1. Thanks a lot @dtrick924 I currently can run up to 200m+ elevation gain on a 8 to 10 km run near my house. Someone who trained at Kem know if the elevation gain for the morning hilly run is much more higher ?
  2. Hi, I know there are a few topics on Kem Gym already but was wondering if someone got precise feedbacks on running there ? I'll finally stay at Kem's at the end of the year for 2 months, after few years without training... and specifically without running (hate the roadwork...). But I recently started to run again to prepare myself before going, in order to fulljoy the training there. Thanks to Sylvie mainly and her runcasts, with the enlightenment to take the roadwork each morning as a mental training as well. Anyone who trained there could possibly know the elevation for the morning runs around the gym ? So I can adjust my daily routine and not stay focused on flat ground. (Sorry for my perhaps broken english) Many thanks
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