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Everything posted by Schmemett

  1. Hello everyone this is my first post on here! I will be staying for one month here in Chiang Mai to train Muay Thai. I am having trouble choosing a gym and after browsing the forum I’ve concluded that the best way to pick a gym is to go and train there for a day. My main question would be should I go to afternoon or morning sessions to best gauge the feeling of the gym? My budget is a bit constrained and it’s around $25usd for a day pass and $12 for a session pass so I’d like to save as much money as possible. I’ll be training both sessions once I commit to a gym. The gyms I’m considering are: Manop, Manasak, HongThong, Sit Thailand, Lanna, Santai Any information or advice about any of these gyms or training in general at all is appreciated, thank you!
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