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  1. Hey guys, Finally doing it. Finally travelling to Thailand and training for 3 months, and fighting (for the first time) - something I've wanted to do for years. My girlfriend, who I love very much, is coming with me - She doesn't train, but is an artist. She's going to spend the 3 months focussing on art. The thing is I want to find a gym that's good for bigger bodies (6ft, 80kg) that will give me decent attention, find me a fight - and also is somewhere my girlfriend would enjoy hanging out; other than art she likes nature/hiking, and loves swimming. Phuket seems obvious (because she would really value being able to swim in the sea) but not sure on places that would give me good attention and be the right place to spend the 3 months. Anyone got decent recommendations? Any input whatsoever appreciated, it's really hard choosing for something I've wanted to do for years - pretty big decision Thank you guys, God bless - Joseph
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