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Diego Sanchez C

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Everything posted by Diego Sanchez C

  1. Thank you Kevin for your response. It's interesting to hear Kaensak saidthat training on the pads was like charging batteries...as I remember it as the complete opposite finishing the 3rd round of 6 minutes with no strength at all, ie dead battery. hahaha...of course I never got to be in a physical state like these historical fighters. Maybe that's the big difference Hey thanks for continuing to watch and analyze the world of muay thai in thailand. Your and Sylvie's analysis of the fights have been very revealing, almost like deciphering a language or something like that. Great job! I wish you all the best!
  2. Hi I have this question going around in my head for a few years. I haven't been able to find really an answer. How much power should put behind your strikes while hitting pads? I trained for very long time in Thailand, there I was training to blow up the pads and bags as much as I could...:)...I red John Wayne Parr had the same idea about hitting pads. He used to train trying to break trainer arms every time I see a lot of videos of guys hitting like 50 or less power, also hitting soft pads, Fairtex, even mitts... Was I totally wrong training that way? Are we suposed to hit softer, and because of language barrier I didn't realized it? I guess both could be right and wrong :) Thanks for he answers BR
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