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  1. I get caught with the jab pretty often, usually when someone is anticipating to my own. If I see the jab coming, it’s either parry 1-2 or throw a lead hook over the jab if I’m taller, which is usually the case. The two counters I said really only work if I can parry or move my feet in time. If I ret really hit solid, I lose my momentum, shelling and back stepping to circle or jab back in. Is there a simple one shot counter that I can use while my opponents glove is still pressed on my face? Something that I don’t have to think much to land that will stop my opponents rhythm for a combo. If it helps with suggestions, I’m usually the taller man. I don’t often see technique videos on how to take advantage of height in a reactive way after getting hit. Usually it’s all “be first, be far, feint” type stuff which is all well and good I’m trying to figure out how best to respond after I eat the jab. I’m not good enough to block every jab and start every exchange on offense. Thanks
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