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Dam last won the day on September 15 2024

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  1. Hello This year I had the chance to train two month in Thaïland. At the end of my stay I had 5 days in Bangkok so I visited the Pk Saenchai gym where I saw Yodkhounpon and did a private lesson with him. I really really enjoyed the session with him and I would love to come back and train more with him but he only at Pk gym one day per week so I wonder if he work for another gym where I can train more with him. Any Ideas ?
  2. Hello I did one month at Hong Thong gym. If you want to work a lot on your technics the best could be tto take some private lessons with Joe because during the basic session you will not have a lot of corrections (but you will have some). Some time they have a lot of people so they don't have the time to focus on one specific person. You can fight there and it generally happen at the Loh Kroï stadium surronded by hostesses bars. If you don't know about it becarefull when you will move to Chiang Mai, there is a big the smog around march april and may. Moutain people do buring farming and it impact a lot the quality of the air. The only bad thing I can say about Hong Thong gym when I was there is that the mat were you train is not wash enough often so after two minutes of traning your feet will be black. If you come without your fighting equipment avoid to borrow those they have in the gym. I get a staphilococcus because of that (it's a "Newbe" mistake). You have one fairtex shop in Chiang Mai were you can buy everything you could need. Sometime Manasak and some of his student come to train at Hong Thong, He have a Gym in Chiang Mai too and one good women fighter in his team her name is Lisa Brierley. Enjoy your trip
  3. Hello I did one month of training at Hong Thong muay thai gym. It was in during march, at at this time of the year the quality of air is very very bad because moutain people do slash and burn agriculture so there is a big smog. What I can say about Hongh thong gym ; the first question I heard from one of the manager is, "Do you want to fight" so if you're looking to train and fight you can do it here. When I was there the most of the people with whom I trained were foreigners, mostly from Australia and Canada. The quality of the training will depend a lot on the level of the partner with whom you will drill the technics and do sparring. You will always have 10 min of pad work by session and some days are more oriented on punch, kicks and defense and others on clinching. Joe ( the owner) have a decent english and can teach interesting tips especially for the clinch (He was a muay khao fighter). I didn't had the chance to train with his brother Gen because he was at the Hong Thong gym in Australia at that time. I strongly recommed you to take some private training with Joe. There are not expensive and qualitative from my point of view. They have some rooms there for long time stay, I get one for the month but if they are full you have two hotels at less than 200 meters from the gym. I had the chance to do one private training in Bangkok with Yodkhunpon at Pk saenchai gym and one with Karuhat at Samart gym. . I strongly recommend them aswell.
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