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  1. I’ve been in North Thailand (Chiang Mai, Pai) for the last month but smokey season is gonna be here within a month and I for sure have to get out and get somewhere else that won’t be impacted by the fires. Can anybody make recommendations on gyms/towns I should go? - I prefer smaller gyms, (10 or less class size) more intimate, less commercialized. Don’t wanna go to Tiger Phuket or anything like that - Would love to avoid heavily touristed areas/further away from westerners. I can speak conversational Thai so I’m happy to go somewhere that caters less to farang - Never been to the south but it seems pretty and avoids the smoke - 90% sure I won’t be fighting while I’m here - Looking to stay for a couple weeks to a couple months depending on how it is Thank you for any help!!!!
  2. I’ve been training Muay Thai for a year, and 2.5 months ago incurred a concussion (first concussion I’ve ever had) from a head kick in sparring and considering what the implications are for my future with potentially fighting (have never fought before). My symptoms persisted for months, due in part to the severity of the concussion but also in part to unwise healing process (I was not given a good healing-roadmap by my doctors unfortunately). Luckily now I am just about healed up. Even once I am healthy enough to return to sparring, I am concerned that I have now developed a glass jaw: My logic is that if I could get concussed from a head kick (it was a heavy one to be fair) in sparring, I fear I would almost *certainly* be concussed from the power of blows thrown in an *actual* fight. When I talk to fighters I know, most have never been concussed, or if they have, it was a brief mild thing, not like mine where symptoms have persisted for months (again this is in part to not permitting ideal healing conditions for the head). To me this suggests that I am perhaps susceptible to concussion, and there is a virtual certainty that after having one concussion, I am more likely to incur another. I really want to keep sparring (once I am entirely recovered) and I would really love to have a fight eventually (next year), but I need to be wise in my choices about the damage I’m exposing myself to. Can anybody speak to their experience with being concussed and then continuing to spar+fight going forwards? Is my jaw/head just not “cut out” for striking if I am getting concussed in sparring like that? Of course nobody can offer medical advice but I’d love to hear people’s experiences and hear what people have observed.
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