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  1. Hi, I did start at the end of 3d week in May. Going 4 times a week and each session lasts 50 minutes and then 5 minutes cool off period so 55 minutes No, i started doing 2 sessions on Wednesday and 3 Sessions on other 3 days I was wondering if that is enough to progress? As i see people who also want to become good and trading 4 hours a day 6 days a week. What can i expect them?
  2. Hi, I am training now for 11 weeks 4 times a week. My shoulders when i raise my arms in straight line 180 degrees ---------- like this line i have my arms side of my body It does not hurt as i can handle it, but it is kind of feeling which u get when u do light dumbells exercises for shoulder during training and in the end u have that feeling. Should i worry? Should i take rest? Or this is normal? I hope i did explain well. I thought it is because i am new and didn't exercise for long time but now after 11 weeks it is still Bye
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