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  1. Hello all! Just like other users, I am looking at Sit Thailand, Manop, and Hongthong. I’ll be in Thailand for a 4 week training camp. Totally skippable background info: I learned about Muay Thai when I was a Peace Corps Thailand volunteer and now have racked up more than a dozen fights in about 2 years back stateside. I wouldn’t describe myself as highly skilled; just relentless. I plan to move to Thailand indefinitely but for now, I have a couple of opportunities coming up and may be fighting some VERY accomplished women (I fight at 118) and so I’m taking the opportunity to for a camp. Does anybody have suggestions with the following info in mind? •I’m female, fighting 118 •this is a camp for a specific fight •I don’t have an unlimited budget (which is why I’m not going to Kem haha); I’ve just been saving for years •I want to spar and clinch a lot •I like smaller more intimate training and really want to work on my technique •I’m not skilled enough to attribute myself with a certain style, but I would say I lean muay khao in my forwardness and love for clinch. My fight IQ is… coming along lol Hong Thong looks awesome, and I do like that it’s close to the center. I love their enthusiasm and there would be more sparring partners for me, I imagine, as it seems a bit larger, and I love the on site accommodation. I won’t be able to rent a bike. (I do speak Thai though so I’m not at all worried about navigating public transport and asking for help.) Manop sounds like a rad teacher, and he trains probably one of the the best women in the world at my weight, but I don’t even know if I’d get to spar her Sit… I just keep hearing good things! Thanks so much; I welcome any suggestions, and while I’m excited to be in the north (I lived in Korat so that’s why I was thinking Kem initially) I am open to other suggestions.
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