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  1. Yea, Bags don't flinch and react to you and i find myself doing better when I spar, i learn what combo's dont work and what do
  2. Yea, I think it just takes time to master this. You want to beat the guy your fighting and sparring but at the same time stay relaxed but it's that thought of 'i've gotta go harder than this guy' and you just go into feral mode and tire yourself out.
  3. That was such a good read, Thats exactly what I'm looking for.
  4. I know i'm probably going to get told that I need to go to a more popular area/gym to get a fight & best trainers however I thought i'd see if anyone has done this before, As the title says I have a interest in training at a gym with less foreigners and that is a bit more rugged, specifically anything around to the north as I would like to explore that area. I've seen online theres alot of gyms in the north these gyms seem to only have younger fighters up to the age is 16ish. Has anyone trained at any of these gyms with active fighters over the age of 20 to match a foreigners size etc? I'm ideally looking for that 'spit and saw dust' oldschool vibe & I know times change and things improve so its harder to find these gyms with the 'golden era' vibe. I've linked a video to the vibe I am going for below. I'd ideally like to have at least one fight in my time that I am out there as well if that info helps at all. (3 months).
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