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    New York

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  1. How much did it cost you to train at the gym? this sounds like an amazing experience. Definitely wanna go there.
  2. Thanks to Sylvie and Kevin, I've learned about Wangchannoi and I've been so impressed by his style of fighting. One of my goals this year is to train in Thailand, in particular with Wangchannoi at Chor Hapayak. But I had a few questions that I'd like to know in order to help me plan: - Is Chor Hapayak still closed off to foreigners? I've heard it's quite exclusive/not open to farang - Does anyone have an address or contact details that I can reach out to? In particular for privates with Wangchannoi or potentially booking general training sessions at the gym? - Does anyone have any knowledge about how the training is structured there? Thanks in advance.
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