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  1. @Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu thanks for this - i have seen it and will check them out. I'm coming to train for about a week. I am just starting to compete (had 1 informal bout) and am hoping to brush up and further sharpen my skills to a competitive level. While the list is very comprehensive, from my experience, not every good gym is neccesarily: 1) female-friendly or has at least other females to train with 2) Sometimes too professional-fighter focused for someone who is in the transition phase that is just starting to compete So would be looking for something that would help achieve those goals
  2. Hello friends! I'm going to be heading out to Chiang Mai/ BKK at the end of this month and am looking to find a good female friendly gym to train at. Would love some recs. Some things about me: 5'4 female (would prefer a female friendly gym) Intermediate ish level - had about 1 off the record bout Preferred styles: femur or muay matt but open to any honestly Bonus points if you know if they happen to be open during the new years time. Thanks in advance!
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