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XS Progression

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    Chiang Mai, Thailand

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Nong (1/14)

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  1. Hey whats going on everyone? I have recently been training in Chiang Mai, Thailand and I decided to make a video explaining everything I was being taught from an active competitive fighter and trainer. Day 1 of training went over all the basic strikes: jab, punch, elbows, up elbows, knees, kicks and teeps. I got a lot of info from that class and used the clips from the class, with some voiceover to explain exactly what was being taught to me. The video also is a good representation on what an actual class is like training in Thailand. If you're a beginner, or just want to go over the basics from an actual Thai coach, check out the video here: Let me know what you guys think about this style of video. I plan to make a Day 2 soon to go over blocks
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