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Nak Muay

Nak Muay (2/14)

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  1. Hallo Everybody I am planning a trip to Thailand in January for around 30 days full of Muay Thai. I could really use some guidance and advicer to make completely special from all of you. My plan is to do a private lesson in the morning and one in the afternoon. Is that good or a bad idea ?? My plan is to start in the northern Thailand with Ajahn Burklerk Pinsinchai in Lampang and train with him for 2 weeks. Ajahn Burklerk Pinsinchai Will you recommend rending a room nearby or is it possible to stay in his camp/gym??? There after to go to Bangkok and train with Namsaknoi, Yudthagarngamtorn in Sinha Mawynn Gym, Sagat Petchyindee, Samart- and Kongtoannee Payakaroon. Namsaknoi, Yudthagarngamtorn Is Namsaknoi doing or takes private lessons at his gym?? What is the best way to make at contact with Namsaknoi How much does a private lesson with Namsaknoi cost?? Sagat Petchyindee Is he still in 13 Coins Gym in Bangkok?? What is the best way to make at contact for private lessons with Sagat?? Samart- and Kongtoannee Payakaroon. What is the best way to make at contact with Kongtoranee and Samart Payakaroon email or Facebook?? I am there to learn the technical and cultural part of Muay Thai, and I would like to be very respectful to theses legends of Muay Thai who is teach me. To Sylvie and Kevin I am a long-time member of your Patreon and I have see all the videos. I use them as inspiration in my own training You are a Huge Source of Inspiration and a role model for many People. I cant not wait for the next video to come. Keep up the good work, All the best to You and Kevin All guidance and advicer will be gratefully received Thank You All Georg
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