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Sellen last won the day on October 26 2023

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    Not Thailand unfortunately :-)

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  1. I think Sylvie's advice is the most solid one. I got one too, ended up not following it, can't say it was a smart thing to ignore it, but yolo I guess I can only talk about my very (very very ) limited experience... and not on a public forum, will be happy to [over]share in DMs though.
  2. A beautiful thread you have here. I am late to the party but Sylvie pointed me to it today. If I would ever care to analyze what MT does to me past the superficial "it is fun", this is what I would write, maybe not as eloquent though. But as you made me self-reflect today, I realized how deep MT has rooted itself inside me and how it then manifested on the outside. I am definitely in a better shape now than ever, both mentally and physically. People from outside can disagree when they see my sometimes bruised body and my obsession with pain and grind but for me that's the moments when I feel like myself. That's when my most genuine smiles happen. It's been the best tool to reintegrate my lost masculine part back in a healthy way and finally feel as a whole, self-reliant and resilient to societal expectations and pressure. Who would think, right? That the best way to find yourself and your place as a woman could be through such a stereotypically masculine activity.
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