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luckykal last won the day on January 27 2023

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  1. Hello, some questions to anyone who has been there (couldn't find any info here or on reddit) 1) How was your time here? 2) Is Samart involved in teaching technique/correcting etc? 3) How is samart & his brothers English, is it at least enough to understand correction and how to do a technique or what to hit on a pad? 4) if possible how did the sessions look like? times etc? thanks! Would really appreciate an answer!
  2. Tbh I was set for Manop gym, but after doing some more reasarch and talking with the kind people on Samart gym I decided to go for Samart. Boxing is quite a weak like in many muay thai gyms and I really think that as you said it would benefit me the most due to a good blend. Muay Femur + Boxing. I've looked at some people training there and they all seem very friendly. Only concern I have, how Is his and his brothers English? Is it enough to understand correction of technique, pads etc?
  3. Hey! I posted about getting some help on what gym to visit! First I was set on Sitjaopho but I missed a more structured training routine (Running, more pads etc) So it ended up to be either Manop or Singpatong. I picked Manop cause they seem to be very technical and puts alot of emphasis on very small details to get your technique perfect! I messaged them on FB about prices and got a link to their website, where it said 10000 Baht / Month so 30000 Baht for my 3-month stay, which is more than alright for me. I phoned them today asking about accomodations and he said they had but I really could not understand the cost for it, so if anyone knows what accommodations go for at Manop that would be amazing! (For 3 months) and also if the price is only for the room or for room+training Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello mate and thank you for your input! I checked em out earlier, it's aliiiiitle to expensive for me sadly 150000 BAHT for AC accomodation + Training for 3 months. I know you could probably knock the price down ALOT by going to a cheap hotel nearby instead, i'll have to think about It. I would love someones input on these gyms, I had like 15 gyms on my radar from scouting on 8limbsus, Reddit & Youtube, and I have checked prices, quailty of training, schedules, vibe of the gym on youtube etc etc. And so far I have narrowed it down to this: (Most interested from top to bottom) sitsongpeenong (My favorite so far. Seems to be VERY high level, home of Sittichai who trains there often and atmosphere seems super friendly, also I like their schedule alot. Seems to be a good mix of Farangs & Thais so English is sufficient) Sitjaopho (Found this yesterday, no website but I talked with them alittle on FB and awaitng answers on prices and accomodation options etc) Brothers seem to LOVE to teach proper Muay Thai, English is very good for Thai, good mix between Farangs/Thai, High Level, Good Schedule and they seem to put alot of emphasis on teaching proper technique [Edit] This is actually split first place with sitsongpeenong, as a Swede I heard they often have many Swedes there, also atmosphere seems 10/10 singpatong-sitnumnoi (Seems very hardcore, i think i would grow alot here) Santai (Heard alot of positive reviews, but somehow feels alittle to amateur-like?) Khunsuek (Seems nice, Superbons gym but feels alittle to commertial for my taste, also what I heard its more of cardio sessions rather than technique Attachai (Waiting for their website to come online, just says "coming soon" That's what I got so far.
  5. Hello! I trained Muay Thai for 1 year long time ago followed by 6 years of boxing on a pretty high level then a long break. I wanted to start Muay Thai again and my intentions are to win the Championship belt of my country within 1.5 years! I got hired on a "Seasonal Job" which means I work 7-8 months and I am free for 4-5 months on the coldest months which allows me to travel to Thailand and train! I strongly believe in Investing Thailand trips to increase my chanses of success back home! My first trip to Thailand this year will be for 3 months (Seems like a decent amount of time for a first-timer in Thai) I really don't care about what city, I just want as good training and development as possible, and I'm just going to Thailand to train. Train-Eat-Nap-Train-Eat-Sleep What I'm looking for In a Gym: Not to crowded/commertial (Like TMT) A gym where I can get alot of focus from the trainers A Trainer/Trainers who are really good (Former Lumpinee/Rajadamnern champs?) and with a good/long fighting history A gym where they focus on proper technique, balance etc (Some gyms are more like cardio-sessions) Possibility to live at the camp (With AC) Possibility to eat at the camp (Pref Package price which include Food, Accomedation and training) Friendly atmosphere (Social/Encouraging/Funny trainers, friendly people and possibility to make friends) Train 2 times/day + Run (Pretty standard in most gyms I know (This is not a must, but It would be nice If the gym has a webpage where you can see package prices and book etc easier) That's about It Please share your thoughts and tips! Cheers! Luckykal
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