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Misael Lucas

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About Misael Lucas

  • Birthday 09/22/1998

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  • Interests
    muay thai, chess, stoicism

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  1. thank you can you point timestamps? i think you are right and i'm trying to improve it, specially when i get tagged i "panic". It's getting a little better. About everything else, i guess i'll have to try to discover if it's my thing. I don't know if it counts but because we are a bit silly and unskilled i already experienced some damage.. in the end i'm in the rain and ready to get wet, soon i'll see, whatever happens, happens, maybe i'll drown, maybe not!
  2. During a sparring session in december i got knee'd in the ribs and had to stop training for a few weeks. Doctor said i could train based on the pain itself and gave me a bunch of painkillers and requested a tomography, i never did it since i had to travel about 100 miles to nearest spot, eventually the pain gradually went away and early january i'm back in business. I was also lucky that the event was rescheduled to the end of february. These two comments gave me genuine peace of mind, I'm managing to behave better in sparring sessions. Thank you so much Kevin, a while back you did a post about Dio Chrysostom and being introduced to his writings, I can't put into words how much I appreciate it. I live in a small city with limited access to muay thai knowledge, my coach is actually a former partner, he is 2-0 semi pro bouts. He doesn't have extensive knowledge because he doesn't speak english, have less than 3 years of practice and mostly reproduce stuff.. he's started to improve and try new things after our former coach left. Saturday is sparring focused and heavy sessions, 2 hours, only for athletes. THU/TUE we have a class composed by me, two other guys and a kid, it's different training but one coach only. I'll provide my last sparring session here. I'm feeling better now and adjusting my routine. I'm the guy with yellow hair. Maybe i'm asking too much here about opinions on my technique/form? Thank you all for the replies. 07-01-23 Two rounds against sparring partner. https://youtu.be/vbnmwQNlZ7A https://youtu.be/2qdmjQqJEVQ 18-01-2023 Two rounds against my coach https://youtu.be/A7KEB7VJrww https://youtu.be/PTxkIsHDyLs
  3. I'll be having my first fight at 28/01/2023, amateur. I'm a bit neurotic and struggling how to prepare myself. Then i start to think about diet, lifting programs, training schedules, trying to fix and perfom at the best at everything despite being still a newbie. It's been hard to conciliate things, this is my currently training program. 08 AM MON/WED/FRIDAY: Stronglifts 5X5 07PM-08PM THU/TUE/FRI/SAT: MUAY THAI We recently have kids added to the same class, so the training is a bit lacking, i'm not feeling confident and find myself confused on what to focus and thinking into add more muay thai training (mainly drills and focus on creating combos (i mainly just answer to what my opponent does). I've been following sylvie content on youtube and i'm really inspired by it and by samart payakaroon teaching videos (i try to style myself around that). I accepted the fight and despite having fear and lack of confidence, i think it will improve during the "training camp". Any tips, suggestions, guidance in a program would be nice. 24 years old 174cm 66kg
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