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kkadzielna last won the day on August 11 2022

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  1. In November I'll be going to Thailand for 4 weeks mostly to train and hopefully fight. Last time I went to Phuket following @Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu's incredibly helpful advice, and muay thai-wise it was everything I wanted. However, I'm looking for a bit more of a pleasant place this time, maybe a bit less noisy and crowded. I'm considering Koh Samui, but I'm not sure if it fits that description, nor do I know anything about the muay thai scene there. Has anyone here fought in Koh Samui, or knows anything about the fight opportunities there? Any gym recommendations? Right now I'm fighting mostly pro-am (semi-pro?) in the UK, so I'm not exactly a beginner, but not a pro either. I walk around at 65-70kg and have a defensive, kick-heavy style. When I went to Phuket Fight Club I had no issues finding suitable sparring and clinching partners, but I'm wondering whether there are any gyms in Koh Samui that would provide that as well. I'm also open to other location suggestions
  2. I'll be going to Thailand for 2-3 months next summer with my aim being training as much as possible and hopefully fighting. I've only had 2 fights, by the time I go I'm hoping to have had 3. One thing that I believe might cause me issues is the fact that I'm pretty big, 5'9 and walk around at about 70kg. In the west it's not that big of a problem, I always train with men because there is never any girl my size and I don't mind it at all, but I wonder if that could be an issue in Thailand. I'd also like to add that while I'm looking to develop my whole game and work on my weaknesses, I'm naturally a long range counter fighter and kicks have always been my best asset. I also have a kyokushin karate background. I've always been most comfortable keeping range and scoring on the back foot, no matter how hard my karate coaches have tried to change it, so I'm looking for a gym that would best suit my style.
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