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Ling Noi

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    Oslo Norway

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  1. Thanks for the reply. I agree with you on the buddhistic herritage of seing agression as weaknes, all though to me it seem more like agression out of control. And sometimes I feel we westerners have a bit too romantic and classic view on thai society and culture. All though I know you live it and know it well. Rodtang for instance, a huge name in the biggest stadiums in Thailand. Probably because of his agression and K.O abillity. And for Tyson, maybe it was his fear that made him so agressive, but it had to be power and technique landing those K.Os. He has become a very humble and smart man indeed, so naturaly he will be a great self critic. Thank you again for answering. Big fan
  2. To me Cus is not saying that it is covardice that drives the wish for a K.O. To me he says that fear make you tense, and being tense make you weak and tired fast. In a tournament It could be vise to finish the first bouts fast to be fresh in the final. Some times it could be tempting to have a short day in the office too. Since for many it is not only an art form but also a way to make ends meet. Some fighters have finishing strikes. Like Tyson. Its probably difficult not K.Oing your opponent at that level and power and in the young age he was at his prime. I imagine the greek boxer on a Saenchai level, aviable to choose to K.O is opponent or just put on a beautiful show. That reality is not there for all fighters and it could be fatal to be in the ring, all though we view high level technical fights as great art and beauty, it also involves great risk. Like Petrosyan vs Superbon. One mistake in the bout and you either K.O or get K.Oed
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