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  1. @Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu Thank you for the reply, you have compile a lot of example in few articles. Took me a lot of times to read and understand. I have no words to express my feelings but admire and respect. I been through the pain and suffer which really really hard for me to move, but you able to endure and carry on the training and overcome with it. Thank you
  2. Hello to all the Nak Muay. I have been practicing Muay Thai for few years, I have always admired those fighters able have a strong body/stamina when come to practice and fight. So few years back then, I tried to register a semi pro fight, it is a great and worst experience to me throughout my life hahahah, I enjoyed and suffered a lot during the process. Since I was not a great athlete and my first time. I get a lot of injuries/sprain throughout my training, which lead to my main topic here, how did you recover/ heal your injuries during the training and post-fight? I had been carrying the injuries for few years and I went for few acupuncture sections and massage. It partially help, but does not fully recover from how I used to be. The injuries limited my strength and movement and became a burden even a stretching. Please kindly advice/share me your experiences, I wish to get rid of it. Thank you
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