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SLC last won the day on November 23 2021

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  1. Kevin and Tom thank you very much for the feedback. I'll start researching the gyms you suggested and also look into Muay Tae. @Kevin - a follow-up question for you is once we find a gym we like should we book a longer stay or use our first four weeks to try many gyms? Would it be foolish in your opinion to spend time in 2 different areas of Thailand? Thank you both again for taking the time to respond.
  2. My son, 14, and I are interested in going to a Muay Thai training camps in Thailand for 4 weeks in early/mid January 2022. We are both complete novices. The goal of the experience is to learn the basics of Muay Thai, spend time together and have fun while experiencing a new culture. I'd love for this adventure to be positive and result in Muay Thai being an activity we can continue to pursue together as he becomes a young adult. I've done some online research and it seems that there are many excellent camps. Are there any camps that are particularly well suited to a novice father and son team? Ideally, we'd like to either be in the vicinity of Bangkok or near a beach. However, completely open to other parts of Thailand for the right program. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and feedback.
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