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  1. Hey thank you so much Kevin for the response . I was just very curious on the whole situation because so many people are giving me different answers so its good to hear from someone on the ground there. I really hope these gyms can recover from this. Hope you and Sylvie are doing well best regards!
  2. Hello, All this my first post here so I didn't know where to post this but, anyways here goes. So I have been saving up for almost 2 years to have a good amount of cash to stay in Thailand for a year. I have a couple fights already (3 In Thailand) and I'm ready to come back. I plan to fly out around February however , I'm still not getting straight answers about fight options and availability. Basically, I would like to fight locally especially in the issan region or if I cant get match ups there then in the south at some local stadiums there. When I ask people if there are fights in Thailand right now they say yes but, when I look, it only seems that big promotions are hosting fights. I would really to know what's going on before I fly out so if any of you have answers I would love to hear. Regards
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