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Frank_B last won the day on December 18 2022

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  1. OK. I understand. I can see why Sylvie wants to stay away from these type of fights. I tip my hat to you guys for not taking this "bait". I don't blame the promoters of this "Entertainment Muay Thai" to do what they do. In the end, they have to vie for an audience and if they think they can increase their chances like this, then that is that. In a way, that is the downside of Globalization, that local particularities get run over by Global tastes (or what is perceived to be a Global Taste). Nevertheless, I can see why you guys want to stay true to the traditional Muay Thai. It is a fascinating art. Myself, I only learned to appreciate it from Sylvies comments on her own fights. Well, I hope you guys manage to get the fights you are looking for in the local arenas going forward! Good Luck!
  2. Thank you for the detailed explanation. I hope you guys can find an inroad somewhere. Maybe the fight in a few weeks will work out. Can you explain a bit more about "Entertainment Muay Thai"? This is a 3 round format? Is it like the Muay Thai Series that is shown on Channel 8? What do you mean by this being more aimed at Westerners? Is it aimed at a Western Audience?
  3. Hi there! I wondered what you guys are up to recently. I haven't seen a fight by Sylie for a long time and no updates on the page. So I was wondering a bit what your plans are how you guys are doing? Just out of curiosity....Thank you!
  4. Thank you for your answers, Kevin. This does explain the success. Following up on that: How big an impact is the social media documentation on the success itself? I find Sylvie's comments on her own fights fascinating. Her insights open the door to what is actually going on (which as a layman I couldn't see before). I would have to think that doing this not only helps the followers on social media understand what is going on but should be very helpful for Sylvie herself to understand what she is doing well and what not and to improve herself. Basically, she is studying film of every fight. Since she is fighting some women more than once, studying the film of her last encounter must give her a huge advantage over her opponents if they didn't do that. In a couple of these videos Sylvie pointed out that she showed the fights later to her trainers and the former fighters that she is working with and they then gave her advice on what to do. How big of an impact is that? You mentioned above the "stigma" when talking about women from upper class families joining the scene. What is your sense of how Thais see Muay Thai fighters in general? Similar to MMA fighters in the west or even like football stars? Gambling seems to be a big part of the sport. How are the gamblers seen in Thailand? In the West this is seen as a vice. What is your sense how Thais look at this? Finally, the pandemic must have had a massive impact on the scene. In one of your Vlogs you guys discussed that Clinching might be eliminated from the sport. Is the scene active at all now? Do you think that the sport will change as a result of the pandemic (in the sense that rule changes may become permanent)?
  5. Hello Sylvie, Hello Kevin, I just started following your activities very recently. I am very impressed by Sylvie's accomplishment in the sport but also by your eagerness to study, learn and improve. Your work ethics and your mental strength are off the charts - even for a professional athlete, I think. Having watched a number of fights, I have a many questions and would hope you could comment on some of them. I would like to inquire about the women that Sylvie is fighting: Sylvie has fought over 260 times now. How about the women that you face? How many fights do they typically have under their belt? Do they fight as often as you and would they have a similar number of fights then? I understand that Muay Thai fighters start at a very early age and basically "live" their profession. Would that be true of the women that Sylvie is fighting as well? Do you have any idea at what age they started the sport and if they have a similar training regime as Sylvie? Are they economically depending on the prize money they win from fighting or do they chose to enter the sport as a vocation? How is Sylvie's reputation in the scene. Would you think all the other women competing know Sylvie and her success? Do the other women know about Sylvie's fighting style and strengths? Is Sylvie feared by the other women in the sport in Thailand? Sylvie ends many of her fights per KO or TKO. Some of them quite devastating (in particular Fights 234 and 241 against Nong Benz and 244 against Jomkwan Klangsangsarakam). Are these endings "normal" for the sport? I mean these women could not get back up for a while. In 244 Jomkwan barely managed to crawl out of the ring. Do these women recover and get back to fighting? Thank you for your feedback!
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