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Posts posted by TBulsh

  1. Hey all. I started Muay Thai this January so I'm pretty new. In light of recent times, I've been following along with Sylvie's At Home Workouts and can really feel more comfort in the technicality of my Muay

    But at the same, I've been itching to rip some punches and kicks into something. So I've decided to get a heavy bag to train during these quarantine days.

    So my question is, since I can only get one, should I get a regular heavy bag (4'7") or a 6ft banana bag? (both weigh 150 lbs)

    I can definitely see the argument for both. The natural and fluid swinging of the a regular heavy bag ecouraging more body movement as well as being helpful for teeps and clinching. But on the other hand, being able to do low kicks on the banana bag is a plus.

    While watching training clips in Thailand, to my surprise, I noticed that a majority of the bags were regular heavy bags. Any reason for this?

    Thanks for your thoughts!

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