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Posts posted by real_polite_canadian

  1. Hi Sylvie. I enjoyed your recent post about receiving your sak yant. Your tattoo is great, by the way, and your post was enlightening and very interesting.

    I'm heading to Thailand in a couple months and have every intent of trying to find a place that will do this for me. I'm very preliminary in my research so far, I just know I want one - so any light you can shed on receiving a sak yant would be helpful. You mentioned you got yours from Arjan Pi in Bangkok, is this a place that you would suggest I go? Do I pre-book an appointment or something?

    As well, from other people I know that have gotten sak yants before, they have mentioned that some places will choose it for you? Any truth to that? You mentioned that he had a book that you looked through, is this typically how someone would pick which one they wanted?

    And lastly, is the aftercare similar to a regular tattoo? I will be in Thailand for 3 weeks and am not too sure if I should get it at the start of my trip or at the tail end of it.

    Anyways, I appreciate your time and thank you.

    Anyone who has any helpful advice, feel free to chime in.

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