Hi all, My name is Andrew Sorrells, I live in Bangkok where I attend a Master's program at Chulalongkorn University. I'm from California and previously trained MT and BJJ there. Now training Muay Thai in Bangkok. For my thesis I am conducting research on Muay Thai in general and in particular how Muay Thai has been popularized and localized in California. If you are a MT practitioner who has trained or fought in California, especially those who have also trained or fought in Thailand, I would be very interested in your opinions on training methodologies, techniques, competition rules, cultural differences etc., between California/US and Thailand. I encourage anyone from the US to participate also, not just California. The spread of Muay Thai throughout the world and the US is a very interesting phenomenon however, I am obligated to narrow my focus on California for the time being. However, I am working to advance the scholarly research and discourse on Muay Thai and Martial Arts in general, which is severely lacking in academic literature.
I have created a questionnaire/survey in Google docs to gather data. I would really appreciate it if you all could take some time and fill it out. Thanks much, and I look forward to your answers, ideas, and comments. Thank you!