Seventy-First Fight – Nong Toy Yodkunseuk
March 20, 2014March 18, 2014 – Loi Kroh Ring, Chiang Mai I’ve been back in Chiang Mai for about a week and a half, after spending nearly two months down in Pattaya with Sakmongkol (at WKO) and Petchrungruang... -
Fight Sixty-Seven – Namwan Senyendtaafo
January 18, 2014January 1, 2014 – Loi Kroh Ring, Chiang Mai I took an extra week between this fight and the last one, mainly because when I got back to training after the last one and kicked on... -
Sixty-Sixth Fight – Nong Em Tor. Vitaya
December 31, 2013December 28, 2013 – Loi Kroh Stadium I’ve been sick for about a month, but to varying degrees. Between my last fight and this one an upper-respiratory infection that I’d been tackling with antibiotics about a... -
Sixty-Fifth Fight – Nong Phet Kor. Saklamphun
December 27, 2013This fight was very loosely intended to be against a fighter named Baifern, who is an opponent who I have managed to not face off against in over a year and a half of being in... -
Sixty-First Fight – Phet Nam Ngaam Phettonphung
November 11, 2013November 9, 2013 – Loi Kroh Ring I had a week between my last fight and this, which is starting to feel like a long time. When I first started fighting upon my move to Thailand... -
Sixtieth Fight – Nong Ploy WP Chiang Mai
November 8, 2013Loi Khro Stadium – November 2, 2013 I had a bit more time between this fight and my slew of fights at the end of October, so even though it was only about 10 days it... -
Fifty-Ninth Fight – Hongfaa Sitjenok
October 26, 2013October 23, 2013 – Loi Kroh Stadium, Chiang Mai I was a little disappointed when I figured out that I wasn’t fighting with some of the boys from our camp. I’d miscalculated the date when Den... -
Fifty-Eighth Fight – Phetlanna Phetdtonpeung
October 22, 2013Sunday, October 20, 2013 – Loi Khor Stadium – Lead Up At my last fight (on Monday, the 14th) the promoter asked if I could fight again on Saturday… before I actually fought that night. I... -
Fifty-Seventh Fight – Nongmai Sor. Phetphupan
October 17, 2013Turn Around This fight was a pretty quick turn around from my 56th fight, which was on a Thursday and this fight was the following Monday; so, four days. I’d been scheduled to fight on Wednesday... -
Fifty-Sixth Fight – Suaphet Liangprasert
October 11, 2013October 10, 2013 – Thapae Stadium I had a bit of a rough week of training leading up to this fight. I managed to ding up my right shin when I kicked pads on the first...