Gender: What Being Called a Man Means in Muay Thai
October 29, 2017I’ve been called a man twice in the past month – something I’ve experienced many times in Thailand and in the past largely read as a mixed insult or at best a backhanded compliment. It’s not... -
Ganesha and the Day I Trained with Samart
October 21, 2017Our rental car is rolling slowly down these narrow side streets. So narrow, in fact, that we often have to pull all the way over to the side and stay still while another car eeks past... -
Becoming Yodmuay and the Silhouette Test
October 16, 2017I’m seated, hunched over on this plastic bench at the far end of the gym and dripping sweat into a puddle at my feet. Angie is sitting on the wooden chair next to me, our knees... -
Things I’m Learning About Muay Thai – A Husband’s Point of View
October 5, 2017Below is my husband Kevin’s entry in his journal which is now following his attempt to get in shape and finally train in the Muay Thai that he loves, starting at 279 lbs. You can read...