The full pdf of this book on Muay Thai written by an American serviceman is found here (pdf attached linked after this paragraph.). Looking forward to reading through this as its probably one of the first at-length English language accounts of the sport and art, and it perhaps sheds light on the era before the Golden Age of Muay Thai, The Silver Age, and perhaps even gives insight into the history of Muay Thai in Chiangmai (as he is writing it from there), provincial fighting always something th
The First Japanese Kickboxing Invasion: Noguchi Gym 1972
This is just one of the most fascinating events in the history of the sport, the father of Japanese Kickboxing driven out of the country, and forced to close his very posh Bangkok Kickboxing/Muay Thai gym in 1972, under threats of violence. It seems that at least some Thais felt like he, or the Japanese were trying to steal Muay Thai from Thailand. At this point, I believe, Japanese Kickboxing already had imitated Muay Thai in Japan a